Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Day One

I weighed myself for the first time in at least two weeks: 187 pounds!

I'm at least three pounds below where I thought I was, which could be attributable to a lot of things, but I like to see my weight that low. I continue to stand 5'9" (dang--still not getting taller). I'm wearing 38 waist jeans for work, but I fit nicely into several pairs of 36 waist shorts I bought for the summer. My belt remains at the 6th hole (5 holes showing) comfortably. When I bought this belt, I could barely get it to the 2nd hole, but I refused to buy a bigger belt. I'm hoping this diet gets me further along than sheer willpower has thus far.

I've decided that I'll start with just Extra Light Olive Oil, forgoing the sugar water. Summer's fast approaching here, and I just can't see myself drinking cold sugar water on a hot day ever since I gave up regular Pepsi. I suppose I could dilute it enough to not be "icky-sweet", but I'd also have to watch the rate at which I drank it (my father was diabetic) and I like the idea that olive oil has certain health benefits that sucrose does not.

According to the book, if I want to lose 20-40 lbs., I'll need to consume approximately 330 calories of ELOO. This amounts to around 3 tablespoons, which I think I'll take at separate times: once between waking and lunch (I don't do breakfast--never have) and once in the evening, or before bed if I plan to eat dinner, which isn't very often.

Of course I forgot to take the oil to work with me this morning (doh!). I got a late start, and it just completely slipped my mind. So, I'll fill a small container with oil to keep in the car in case this happens again.

I took 1-1/2 tablespoon ELOO this evening. I hadn't eaten since 12:30 pm. I have to say, it wasn't nearly as nasty as I thought it might be. It has virtually no flavor whatsoever. It's like drinking an oily version of water. I've read horror stories about the greasy feeling in the mouth after drinking pure oil, but I must say it just isn't that bad. I drank about 8 ounces of ice cold water immediately afterwards, and that took care of any greasiness.

I don't know if it was coincidental or not, but after around half an hour, I had a bit of stomach distress. I can best describe it as "gripey" or unsettled. My stomach audibly growled. This was alleviated by a trip to the privy, and didn't return. This may be just my stomach being shocked at the intake of pure oil. It's mentioned in the book that this happens with some people. Hopefully it won't be a recurring thing, and I'll get used to the oil quickly.

Tomorrow I'll take the oil between waking and lunch, and again in the evening, allowing an hour without food on each side of the oil intake. I also think I'll buy a better scale; I just don't trust this cheap one I'm using now.

I'll post results as they (hopefully) progress.


Blogger Dixie Amazon said...

I added the principles of the Shangri-La Diet to my life on 05/01/06 and I have lost 6 pounds! I am sure the rate will slow down but I am hopeful.

Good Luck!

8:40 AM  

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